Cacao Ceremony
"The Cacao Spirit returns from a long history with Indigenous Peoples”.
Cacao is a Sacred & beautiful plant medicine that helps us to open our heart & come back into connection with our inner wisdom, it helps us to balance the feminine & masculine energies within us & has been used in ceremony since ancient times.
An Indigenous myth tells us, "whenever the balance between humans and nature becomes threatened, the spirit of cacao will come from the rainforest to open people's hearts & return us all to harmony with the Earth & creation once again".
Ceremonial grade cacao is a sacred medicine also known as the “blood of the heart”, and is an important, powerful, teacher, facilitator, and medicine-plant. Ceremonial Cacao partners with you on your Journey... & you can experience cacao as the magical partner she is.
The cacao we will use is of the highest quality grown & harvested in Peru specifically for ceremonial use by Ashaninka families. Directly sourced from ancient Cacao gardens in the Rio Ene region.
What is Cacao?
Literally translated as ‘Food of the Gods’,since the ancient Civilisations of the Mayans and Aztecs, Cacao has been used in rituals & ceremonies as a tool for journeying deep inside of the self, allowing spirit to move through and guide us.
Cacao is one of the most nutritionally dense superfoods and provides many medicinal benefits.
It contains more antioxidants than any other food on the planet.
It stimulates the production of the neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin and anandamide (also known as the BLISS chemical) leading to feelings of euphoria.
It relaxes the muscles and balances the nervous system whilst focusing the mind and activating the heart.
What is a Cacao ceremony and why do people seek out this medicine?
Cacao can be seen as a doorway, an opportunity to connect to yourself and to open your heart to what is present within. Because of cacao's ability to increase your connection to your inner self and heart centre it can aid any transformational shifts you are working towards , whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of who you are , release old patterns and traumas , connect with the spirit & plant worlds or just move into a more self aligned space, whatever your path, the intention is yours to set and the cacao allows you to sink deep into the medicine of your heart to receive guidance and to open to new pathways.
Of course you have to do the work and continue to tend to your process and unfolding ,that is…… In my experience a continuous journey of commitment ...lets say the spirit of cacao may gentle hold your hand and lead you to help you look and see what could do with your loving awareness.
The way in which I work…
The way I work with this beautiful heart nourishing plant medicine is I weave the Cacao Ritual into a deep embodied guided dance ceremony where we journey within the realms of ritual & embodied prayer, connecting with the elemental forces of creation and working with ancient practices , in this way the cacao is a supportive heart opening part of the ceremony.
I see the medicine of Cacao as a way to connect with the flowering Earth a way to drink in the sweet & sacred nectar of the hummingbird , a journey with the black mumma jaguar through the jungle lands to the heart & spirit of Cacao so she may teach you what you need to know.
I look forward to connecting and journeying with you ..x..